We offer only top quality hydrosols, for you and me. Our skin deserves the best.
Hydrosols are the waters left after the distillation process. They contain the wonderful therapeutic benefits, although on a much less and gentler scale than essential oils. There are many ways you can use your hydrosols from body sprays to cool down, add to your water based-products, use in your bath water or spritz your face after washing. They can be very healing to the skin. After washing, air dry your face, spritz your face with your favorite hydrosol then apply your facial products as usual. Within a week, you'll feel and love the difference.
Rarely are there are safety issues with hydrosols. If you have senstive skin, spritz on arm and wait a bit to ensure no reaction. No reaction, you are good to go. If you so react, hydrosols can be combined with distilled water to avoid any possible skin sensitization. For more information on hydrosols, uses and safety, check out Hydrosol Profiles, Uses, Properties and Benefits | AromaWeb 4 ounces
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