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Lavender Lavendula angustifolia

Lavender Lavendula angustifolia

There are so many oils out there that we tend to wander away from one of the most powerful essential oils; Lavender Lavendula angustifolia. Lavender is one of the most valuable plants. French Lavender, one of my very favorites, is one of the oldest varieties found and the most valued. The pain constituents are linalyl acetate and linalool as well as geraniol, cineol, d-borneol, limonene pinene, caryophyllene.

Internally (with proper guidance) can be an excellent tonic for spasms (antispasmodic). When many do not realize is that at high, toxic doses, it becomes an excitant for the central nervous system.

There are a lot of great properties with Lavender including as an analgesic, bactericide, antiseptic, diuretic, antirheumatic, helps ease flatulence, great for migraines, vermifuge, emmenagogue, hypotensive, and we all know it is a great sleep aid (sedative). It’s one of the best cicatrisant, it’s antiseptic, and a central nervous system depressant. The list goes on which makes it one of the most power oils.

Internally, grab your lavender flowers first. Boil water, turn off and add one tablespoon of flowers, steep for at least 10 minutes. For tummy issues, drink one cup before each meal and for sleep, one cup an hour before bed. Drinking a cup of anything right before bed may have you up during the night, thus an hour before.

If you insist on using the essential oils internally, never use essential oils on children, never use essential oils on someone other than yourself. Using 2-5 drops, depending on your needs (less is best), add to honey. As an analgesic, I take I tablespoon on an empty stomach to reduce sensitivity, but it leaves my mind alert, although relaxed.

I’ve not even touched on all the uses of Lavender. It’s one of the best for healing closed wounds and scars, the tincture is a great scalp rub, you can’t beat it for bug bites with equal parts Lavender and alcohol, best bath. So, grab your Lavender. And always remember, dilute dilute. Lavender is a gentle oil. Depending on your needs, blend anywhere from 2% or 18 drops per ounce for children, elderly and those with sensitive skin and never use on open wounds. For more serious issues, you can go anywhere from 5-10 %, keeping in mind this is for acute or chronic issues and to be used for a short duration, suggest 2 days then ease down.

So let's look at some safe essential oil uses for the family:

Anxiety (Momma's love)

3 drops Lavender Lavendula angustifolia

2 drops Clary Sage Salvia sclarea

Add to 1 teaspoon vegetable oil. Apply to wrists, neck or wherever you prefer

Beautiful Relaxing Body Lotion (adult)

20 drops Frankincense Boswellia carterii

8 drops Lavender Lavendula angustifolia

10 drops Jasmine absolute Jasminum grandiflorum

8 drops Cedarwood Juniperus virginiana

5 drops Rose otto Rosa damascena

Combine and add 27 drops to one ounce unscented lotion or Jojoba oil.

Cough and Congestion (blend with carrier or diffuse) (family friendly)

10 Drops Cedarwood Juniperus virginiana

15 Drops Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia

5 Drops Frankincense Boswellia carterii

10 Drops Lavender Lavendula angustifolia

10 Drops Lemon Citrus limon

Note: Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) is one of the most effective EO's in treating coughs and respiratory concerns for any age. Tea Tree is one of the best airborne antimicrobial, anti-viral as well as other therapeutic effects. Frankincense is a huge immunostimulant plus plus and I'd put Lavender because its main constituent is linalol which makes it a great analgesic oil. Because of the constituent d-limonene, around a high of 70%, Lemon is an excellent anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-depressant, antioxidant, great immune stimulant and perfect with blends because it enhances skin penetration.

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