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Many suffer from Rosacea, with no solution working or working for long before the return of symptoms. It's debilitating, leaving our confidence shattered.

While Rosacea is a chronic inflammation that affects the skin, the medical condition Eczema involves several issues with the skin barrier. The skin barriers' job is to protect us from external threats which include chemicals, systemic toxicity, infections and allergens. Unfortunately many times Rosacea treatments are used for Eczema and vice versa. Although these two have a few similar symptoms, they are two totally different health issues and must be treated specifically to one or the other.

Rosacea may also lead to issues such as dry eyes, blurred vision and a tingling feeling. It can also leave one prone to anxiety and depression. Addressing each of these symptoms may help deal with the emotional turmoil of Rosacea.

Unlike Rosacea, Eczema makes people more susceptible to skin infections and persistent dry and itchy skin.

Will the same product that helps one’s Rosacea help other skin issues? I wish the answer were a simple "yes". However, it is going to depend on the individual, the skin disease (in this case, Eczema) and symptoms involved.

More about Rosacea

Rosacea primarily occurs in the center of the face, on and around the nose and cheeks. It has also shown up in other areas such as the ears, neck, and chest. If Rosacea is left untreated, it can become uncomfortable and more difficult to deal with. Eczema, on the other hand, will show up as a rash with itchy skin and the skin becomes thickened. Along with that, scaling, blistering, excoriation, a.k.a. dermatillomania (picking at skin) can also occur along dry and discolored skin.

A Few More Common Symptoms

Although the symptoms of Rosacea are common, as stated, they can vary from person to person and vary in the severity of it. It also seems to occur in cycles or what is called a ‘flare-up”. It can happen for several days, weeks or more then disappear, to only return later down the road.

Common symptoms include worsening of facial redness, small, raised bumps that look similar to acne can occur (papules and pustules), visible broken or dilated blood vessels (telangiectasias), and possible skin thickening changes.

How Is It Diagnosed

Rosacea is diagnosed based on certain characteristics of the patient. Only a physician should diagnose whether you have Rosacea or facial flushing from other causes.

The actual cause of Rosacea is unknown, so looking for certain characteristics can assist with diagnosing it. The characteristics that are looked for include immune disorders, a relative that had/has it, those that are blue-eyed, blonde hair and fair-skinned and if one is of Celtic or Scandinavian decent. It usually starts occurring between the ages of 30-50. Women are more often diagnosed with Rosacea than men. However, according to research, when it occurs in men, it seems to be a worse case scenario.

How Can Aromatics Assist

Both essential oils and carrier oils may help the various symptoms of Psoriasis. For Eczema, please refer to our article Fixed (Carrier) Oils and uses, under the carrier oil "Borage" and you will find a successful recipe for the related symptoms, a recipe for adults and one for children. It's with great joy that many clients have successfully used this and have been able to quit prescription medication. Will it work for you? As stated, with each individual, any solution, whether holistic , homeopathic, prescriptions drugs and more, how well it works depends on the individual.

Another carrier oil that has been effective on both skin issues is Almond Prunus amygdalus var. dulci oil. Look to our article "Fixed (Carrier) Oils and Uses. For Psoriasis, I use the carrier oils Sea Buckthorn and Tamanu. Both are highly effective for most skin disorder symptoms.

As to essential oils and Rosacea, Lavender Lavendula angustifolia has two major chemical components within it, Linalool (Linalol) and Linalyl acetate and has shown effective against Rosacea. Also the essential oils Sandalwood, Bergamot and other citrus oils. With citrus oils, caution using those that are phototoxic outside and under UV lighting.

If you're looking for a luxurious lotion for the face, I've created our Luxury Facial Creme. To our surprise, two clients found it cleared their Rosacea. You'll find it in our product section.

Final Note

This short article does not cover full details about Rosacea. However, I’ve attached several excellent resources that go into more detail.

Please remember, the same product that works for one, whatever the condition, symptoms or diagnosis, may not offer the same results for another.

copyright by Rehne Burge



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